Cambodia Criminal Justice Assistance Project (CCJAP)
Phase I (1995-2000) / Phase II (2002-2007)
The goal of this AusAID funded project is to support the Royal Govt of Cambodia (RGOC) to strengthen the criminal justice system in selected provinces through improving its accountability, transparency and adherence to human rights. A&L was contracted by SAGRIC International Ltd to manage the large infrastructure component. CCJAP Phase 1 upgraded existing prisons, police stations and court houses in 5 provinces - providing many new and renovated buildings – with a focus on prisoner health & hygiene. CCJAP Phase 2 provides a new judicial police station, court house and prison for replication throughout the provinces by RGOC. Design for these ‘model facilities’ involved exhaustive consultation with stakeholders, project advisers and more than 20 aid agencies and NGO’s. These facilities promote public access to the justice system, whilst reinforcing the rights of women, juveniles and victims of crime.
A&L have provided full project management and architectural services for both phases of this project, including project brief formulation, site assessments, building design, documentation, cost management, ICB tendering, formation of contracts, site supervision and contract administration. A&L designed all new facilities to meet international engineering and construction standards whilst utilising local materials. Contractors were selected through a rigorous advertisement, pre-qualification and tender process, with public tender openings hosted by an independent office in Phnom Penh. All project ‘packages’ were won by local companies - reinforcing the project’s focus of building the capacity of small local firms. Excellent quality control has been maintained throughout the works by the provision of a full-time A&L expatriate construction superintendent. The Royal Government of Cambodia has expressed interest in replicating these facilities and processes throughout other provinces.