Kiribati Education Sector Program (KESP) - Primary School Facilities Management Plan (FMP)
A&L was contracted to develop a Facilities Management Plan (FMP) for all 91 primary schools scattered throughout the many islands of Kiribati in the central Pacific Ocean. The aim of the project was to provide the Kiribati Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MEYS) with a framework that will allow them to address the poor condition of their existing primary school facilities and to better manage future procurement and maintenance activities. The FMP Project was developed under the broader umbrella of the Kiribati Education Sector Program (KESP), which is funded by AusAID.
The first phase of the project required a baseline audit of primary school facilities, a review of education infrastructure standards, procurement and management systems and an assessment of the capacity of the local building industry.
The second phase required finalisation of the FMP, which will see, over a 5-10 year implementation period, all primary schools upgraded to acceptable standards. This involved the development of new standard school buildings in association with MEYS and the Kiribati Public Works Dept (PWD), which included preparation of standard drawings, technical specifications, various sized contracts, tendering & procurement guidelines and advice on funding arrangements and recurrent maintenance budgets.
Due to their coral atoll locations, all 91 primary schools in Kiribati are exposed the extremes of nature, including tsunamis, rising sea levels, cyclones and the aggressive saline environment. Therefore, all building components and processes were closely assessed for their suitability, availability, workability and longevity as well as the long-term impact on the fragile local environment. The finished FMP provides a framework of acceptable material, building, procurement and implementation standards as well as sustainable maintenance regimes. The FMP not only satisfies local requirements but also the funding requirements of International Development Agencies and NGO’s.