National Library Upgrade Project
Australian AID - Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade (DFAT)
The project involved the upgrading of the existing National Library at Waigani to meet best international library practice. The library was built in 1975 as an independence gift from the people of Australia. In 2005 the Government of Australia made a commitment to upgrade the library as a 30th anniversary of independence gift.
Alexander and Lloyd managed a team of architects, engineers and library experts to design and manage the refurbishment of the building, the procurement of an integrated library management system (ILMS), library furniture and equipment and the delivery of technical assistance through the provision of three short term Library Advisors. The refurbishment program was delivered in three phases:
- The preparation of a Project Plan comprising an Architects Brief and Concept Design;
- The implementation of the Project Plan comprising the development of the Concept Design; preparation of the contractual drawings, specifications schedules and scopes of services that will make up the Request for Tender (RFT) document; a Pre-Tender estimate of refurbishment costs; the tendering, procurement and commissioning of specialist library equipment and an ILMS; the Prequalification of building contractors leading to the tender for the refurbishment, and the execution of a construction contract between the successful tenderer and SAGRIC, and
- the refurbishment of the building by the construction contractor.