Redevelopment of Mabudawan Health Centre
A&L were engaged to design, document and equip the new Level III Mabudawan Health Centre (MHC) and supporting infrastructure at a ‘greenfield’ site close to Mabudawan Village and to develop a scope of works to allow the safe and effective operation of the existing MHC (located within Mabudawan Village) whilst the new MHC is constructed.
A&L were also required to develop the most appropriate procurement strategy to suit the sites remote location and to provide civil works to allow appropriate all weather access to the site from Pahoturi River.
In April, 2014, A&L carried out a technical appraisal of the proposed new site and in consultation with relevant stakeholders in Daru and Mabudawan refined and confirmed the functional brief and developed a preferred procurement strategy – kitset construction, which was presented in a Preliminary Design Report (PDR) in June 2014.
Following endorsement of the PDR and its recommendations the MHC design was finalised and RFT documentation was prepared to allow:
- The refurbishment of the existing MHC building by local construction contractors,
- The supply and erection of kitset buildings, and the associated site works for the new MHC,
- Selection of appropriate medical equipment and procurement documentation complying with NDOH standards,
- Design and construction of a new MHC Jetty.
The final design layout for the MHC and MHC Jetty and the recommended kitset and D&C procurement strategies were endorsed by stakeholders at a Value Management Workshop in April 2015.