Upgrading of four provincial high schools
The objectives of this project were to provide assistance in the reform of the education sector being undertaken by the Government of Papua New Guinea through the upgrading of at least one Provincial High School in each Province to accommodate Years 11 & 12 students. The consultancy was carried out by A&L in association with SMEC International and included upgrading facilities at Fatima Provincial High School (Western Highlands Province), Kondiu Provincial High School (Simbu Province), Namatanai Provincial High School (New Ireland Province) and Papitalai Provincial High School (Manus Province). This involved the construction of classrooms, laboratories, libraries, ablution facilities, dormitories, staff houses and associated services infrastructure. Approximately 15% of the works were completed by local builders and community groups using a community partnership contracting approach. This was a highly successful component of the project and led to a greater ownership of the facilities by the school council and surrounding communities.
Survey of existing systems, including inspection and investigation of sites in relation to staff housing and school buildings, water supply systems, electricity reticulation, roads, drainage, paths and fencing systems and sewerage systems. Design and document improvements and/or upgrading requirements and/or new buildings and/or renovation requirements. Preparation of tender documents. Invitation of construction tenders, evaluation and recommendation for selection of contractor(s). Construction supervision based on FIDIC for the main building contract and DOW minor works contracts for community contracts (Which was predominantly refurbishment work). Procurement of locally manufactured furniture.