A&L work with a diverse range of clients, from international aid donors, national and provincial governments to NGOs and church organisations. Clients include:
- Australian Department of Foreign Affairs (DFAT),
- World Bank, the Asian Development Bank (ADB),
- Agence Francaise de Development (AFD)
- World Health Organisation (WHO).
- UN Women
- Government of PNG
- Government of Kiribati
- Government of Nauru
- Government of Vanuatu
- Government of Tuvalu
- Catholic Diocese of Alotau (PNG)
- Sisters of the Good Samaritan of the Order of St Benedict
- Mt Hagen Hospital Board (PNG)
- Alotau Hospital Board (PNG)
- Hassad Foods (Sudan)
- Won Smol Bag (Vanuatu)
- Don Bosco (PNG)
- Cardno
- Coffey International
- SMEC International (PNG-Joint Venture)
- Charles Kendell and Partners
- PNG Health and Education Procurement Facility
- Opus (NZ)