Mongolia Health Sector
This ADB funded restructuring project, introduced new management, financial and HRD systems into the existing health system which was based on the Soviet model. A&L was contracted by SMEC International to provide specialist architectural design and planning advice to the Mongolian Government and set up construction and contract management systems to allow major upgrading to the capital works (Hospitals & Health Centres) component within Ulaanbaatar and Khovd, Khuvsgul and Doragobi Aimags (Provinces).
A&L provided design and advisory input to the Ministry of Health to assist in formulation of design and construction standards for country wide health facilities. This included setting national standards for documentation, tender packages, contracts, contract administration procedures and selection of construction contractors and local consultants.
A&L, working together with Mongolian Architects and Engineers, prepared costed sketch designs for approval, followed by basic tender packages for documentation, tendering and construction. An important element of project implementation was close monitoring, inspection and quality control of all projects during construction and assisting local consultants in contract administration of the works.
Procurement of infrastructure through a competitive tender process was – at the time – an unfamiliar concept in Mongolia (an unfortunate legacy of the Soviet era). Therefore, the transparency of procurement methods and financial management was a very important goal of the project.